NALI Natural Body Care Products
Rose Hip Seed Oil Soap - Vitamin A & C rich Organic Rose Hip Seed oil for Damaged Skin! 4oz bar
SUPER POWERFUL & POTENT Ukrainian Organic Rose Hip Seed Oil
Fragrance: Clean, slight Rose
Bar size: 4 ounces (shrink wrapped & labeled) circular Celtic mold
Color: Pale White to Yellow Translucent
Durability: 1 - 3 months Note: allow to dry between use.
Rose Hip Seed Oil is the perfect solution for dry, patchy, dull, damaged skin. It's naturally high in Vitamin C and Vitamin A, both needed for skin cell restoration and collagen generation. NDulge's Rose Hip Seed Oil soap uses vegan Coconut Oil glycerin blended with organic distilled Rose Hip Seed Oil, organic manuka honey, mineral salts, rosewater, Rose Absolute and botanical oils.
Soften dry, undernourished skin with this mildly rose scented soap. Perfect for the face or body. RoseHip Seed oil is noted for diminishing scars, marks and wrinkles. It's the perfect facial soap!